Peregrine's Blog

Chorp chorp

My Cat/Pidgeot

I forgot to write this, but about last week, my cat was injured, presumably bitten by a neighborhood cat, and the wound basically burst open. I think it was something like bacteria from the other cat's mouth was trapped under the skin. He looked quite sick and tired, and there was bleeding, obviously... He was treated by vets though, and he's doing quite well, fortunately ;w; He's a very friendly, mellow tabby cat.

Ironically, it was after the time my mom found an article about a woman and her dog being attacked viciously by feral cats in Europe(Warriors???), and she became very concerned about his safety outside since she belived there'd be cat haters around attacking cats in vengeance... .-. 

Also, I just finished this picture of Pidgeot, which I consider one of my favorite Pokemon, though it's kind of a terrible battler. Used Paint Tool SAI again. 

Pidgeot (c) Nintendo